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Radiology QA Products

Our radiology QA products are easy to handle, are built and developed to the German standards, offer a longer guarantee of use and most of the time, allow the physicist to measure all parameters in one shot.

  • For example, the CBCT phantom and the mam/digi EPQC phantom require only one shot to measure all image quality parameters.

DVT_kp Pic Mam/Digi Phantom Pic

  • Besides its radiology features, the Nonius works for the alignment of the light field and radiation field for Linacs, and it only requires an exposure of 2 MU (about 20 mGy) for energies above 2 MeV.  The main advantage over films is that the evaluation is done automatically by the software.  The physicist saves time and money because film is very cumbersome to evaluate and also very expensive (about 700 euro per Linac per year).

Quart Nonius Photo

  • DIDO diagnostic dosimeters cover almost any field of x-ray application.  No matter if conventional or digital modality, these dosimeters can be used for measurements in Radiography, (Pulsed) Fluoroscopy, DSA, Dental, 3D(DVT), and Mammography.

Quart DIDO Series

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