Arplay Medical TeamBest

Protection Against Radiation

Leaded Screens

Leaded Screens

Leaded Screens for Protection Against Radiation

Each model is assembled on 4 wheels adaptable to any type of ground, also fitted with brakes to ensure perfect immobilization.

Arplay designs and manufactures any model you require with a lead thickness adapted to your specific needs.

Download the PDF.

Mobile Lead Glass Screen

The straight mobile glass screen is endowed with leaded glass, 80mm thick (equivalent 50% lead) and dimensions 240 x 340 mm for a field vision of 180 x 240 mm.  Lead glass has a slope of 45°.


Download the PDF.


Lead Shielded Handling Counters

Arplay has developed a complete range of shielded counters for the handling of radioactive sources.

Click here for more information.

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